Elon Musk said that X, formerly Twitter, will start showing headlines in preview cards with URLs on the platform again after removing titles last month. In a post on X, Musk said in an upcoming update, the company will overlay the title in the upper portion of the image of a URL Card. He didn’t mention any specific timeline for rollout or give an example of what might the card look like. In August, the Tesla CEO said that X planned to stop showing titles with URLs in previews for “improved aesthetics.” The company stopped showing headlines in October after the announcement. Because of this change, users had to click or tap on the URL card to actually know the title or read the headline. To get around this change, publishers started to write their own headlines on images and post the link separately or include the headline in the image of the generated preview card. This change might make it easier for publications and not work on custom formats, but that completely depends on the layout of the new card. X has had a tumultuous few weeks as major advertisers including Apple, Disney, and Comcast have paused spending after Musk’s endorsement of antisemitic remarks. On Tuesday, Paris Hilton’s 11:11 Media withdrew its partnership with the social media company just a few weeks after signing it.
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