Unveiling AWS re:Invent: Amazon’s Latest Innovations in AI, LLM, and Beyond

Amazon Web Services has gone live for its AWS re:Invent event in Las Vegas, which started on November 27 and will continue until December 1. The company expects to make a string of announcements and unveilings of its recent developments, especially with increased competition from other cloud providers as AI becomes more popular. AWS CEO Adam Selipsky marked the event’s tone with a keynote emphasizing AWS’s ability to defend its longstanding lead, deploying AI tools and services in order to maintain its position as the top large cloud provider in the market. Our team will be providing quick hits of the biggest news as they’re announced, all in a condensed list featuring reporting from editors Frederic Lardinois and Ron Miller, along with contributions from the wider TechCrunch team.

One of the launch announcements made at the event was Amazon Q, an AI-powered chatbot, capable of easily chatting, generating content, and taking actions tailored specifically for AWS customers. Other launches include Amazon Neptune Analytics, AWS Clean Rooms ML, SageMaker HyperPod, Titan Image Generator, and Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock. In addition, Amazon unveiled the latest generation of its chips for model training and inferencing, and introduced Amazon S3 Express One Zone, three new serverless offerings, Amazon One Enterprise, and new thin client virtual desktop environment devices.

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